Meet Our Staff

Steve John
CEO & Tournament Director
Oversees the Foundation as well as both tournaments

Nancy Enterline
Vice President of Philanthropy
Oversees grantmaking strategy and volunteer programs

Jeanne Kleinsorg
Director of Finance/Controller
Oversees financial management and accounting

Erin Wareham
Senior Sponsorship Manager
Manages tournament sponsor relations

Hilary Williams
Admissions & Credentialing Manager
Manages tournament ticket sales and credentials

Katie Hoenes
Player Relations Manager
Manages player and caddie logistics and experience

Mary Dubé
Volunteer Program Manager
Manages tournament volunteers and programming

Raquel Luchesi
Philanthropy & Volunteer Program Specialist
Supports logistics of philanthropy and volunteer programs.

Ambry Capistrano
Philanthropy Program Manager
Manages grantmaking program

Lily Hansen
Senior Marketing Manager
Manages marketing, communications and media relations

Amanda Lopez
Player Relations & Operations Assistant Manager
Supports player and caddie programs and Foundation operations

Haylee Rosado
Accounting Specialist
Supports VP of Finance and assists with financial management and accounting